Free Standing Electric Fence in Kenya
The effective perimeter wall for security is free standing electric fence. Free standing electric fence intermediate poles are lighter and the strain points are strong consisting of strong corners. They are also, able to sustain an entire load of wires. Free Standing Electric Fence in Kenya

Free Standing Electric Fence in Kenya
During the installation of the free standing electric fence, a cement foundation might be needed for the strain or corner poles but the intermediates do not require cement foundation as they are hammered inside. The heights from the ground level might be as below:
- 2400 mm (24 lines)
- 1800 mm (20 lines)
- 3000 mm (30 lines)
At we have galvanized 2.24 mm steel wire which we can install for our customers seeking to buy free standing electric fence in Kenya and around Nairobi. The advantage of this galvanized free standing electric fence is that it is non-stainless steel and can conduct electric pulse effectively compared to other elements. To shop for a free standing electric fence visit our shop. We also offer installation services and other free advice to our customers.
Chain Link Fencing for sale in Nairobi, Kenya
We supply, install, repair and maintain wall top electric fences all over Kenya. We also supply and deliver all types of fencing materials.